Gradually stir or whisk in the water until the mixture is smooth. Stir in the reserved vegetables and sausage and the okra, crushed tomatoes, chicken broth, thyme, red pepper flakes, bay leaves, salt and pepper. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring over high heat. Reduce the heat to medium-low and cook, uncovered, for 1 hour. Stir occasionally to prevent the mixture from sticking and burning at the bottom of the pot. Add the chicken and corn and cook for 20 minutes. If using, add the crab meat, shrimp and oysters. Continue cooking until the shrimp are pink and firm, about 3 to 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the file powder, if desired. Let gumbo stand 5 minutes, remove the bay leaves and adjust seasonings if necessary.
And so it was that while jazz, blues, soul, rock, country, gospel and Dixie floated through the air around me, it was lip-burning crawfish, aromatic seafood gumbo, plump oyster po-boys, nutty pralines and heaping platters of smoky barbecue that fulfilled my soul.
pattie labelle gumbo
When I returned to the outdoor food area, which early in the morning had short lines, I was engulfed by casually dressed crowds streaming out of shows and lining up to eat. Enticing smells of barbecue smoke, crawfish stuffed in freshly baked bread and garlicky pots of gumbo rose with the beats of the music.
Gradually stir or whisk in water until mixture is smooth. Stirin reserved vegetables and sausage and the okra, crushed tomatoes,chicken broth, thyme, red pepper flakes, bay leaves, salt andpepper. Bring mixture to a boil, stirring over high heat. Reduceheat to medium-low and cook, uncovered, for 1 hour. Stiroccasionally to prevent mixture from sticking and burning at thebottom of pot. Add chicken and corn and cook for 20 minutes. Ifusing, add crabmeat, shrimp and oysters. Continue cooking untilshrimp are pink and firm, about 3 to 5 minutes. Remove pan fromheat and stir in file powder, if desired. Let gumbo stand 5minutes, remove bay leaves and adjust seasonings if necessary.
File (FEE-lay) powder is a spice made from ground, dried leavesof the sassafras tree. It's used as a flavoring and thickener. Besure to stir in the file after gumbo is removed from heat; cookingit will give the gumbo a stringy or gummy texture. 2ff7e9595c